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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Unreal Tournament 2004

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Game Name : Unreal Tournament 2004
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2004-04-21 05:10:27
Views : 37755

Particle effects map
Open the ParticleExamples.ut2 file in the maps directory. This is a level built to show off all the particle effects in the game.

Single Player Codes
Press tilde [~] to open the console, then type:

Code - Result
behindview 0 - 1st person view
behindview 1 - 3rd person view
allammo - 999 Ammo For Every Weapon
addbots # - add the numbers of bots specified
loaded - All weapons
allweapons - all weapons(not full ammunition)
stat audio - audio stats
FOV # - changes "Field of View" to specified number (in degrees)
setname (name) - changes player name
setres WxHxD (example - 800x600x32) - Changes resolution to the specified values
switchteam - changes team
suicide - commits suicide
stat - all displays all stats
quit - exits game entirely
exit - Exits the game entirely
playersonly - freeze time (type again to unfreeze)
stat game - game statistics
god - Infinite Health
killbots - kills all bots
stat net - network play statistics
open (mapname) - opens specified map
setgravity # - set amount of gravity
setjumpz # - set height of jumps
setspeed # - set speed of gameplay
stat fps - shows "Frames per Second"
slowmo # - slow motion
summon xweapons.redeemerpickup - spawns a redeemer
summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup - spawns assault rifle
summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup - spawns AVRiL
summon xweapons.bioriflepickup - spawns bio rifle
summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup - spawns flak cannon
summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup - spawns Grenade Launcher
summon xweapons.painterpickup - spawns ion painter
summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup - spawns lightning gun
summon xweapons.linkgunpickup - spawns link gun
summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup - spawns Mine Layer
summon xweapons.minigunpickup - spawns minigun
summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup - spawns rocket launcher
summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup - spawns Shield Gun
summon xweapons.shockriflepickup - spawns shock rifle
summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup - spawns Sniper Rifle
summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank Summon a Goliath
summon Onslaught.ONSPRV Summon a Hellbender
summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup summon a instagib shock rifle
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSMobileAssaultStation Summon a Leviathan Tank
summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike - Summon a Manta
summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft - Summon a Raptor
summon Onslaught.ONSRV - Summon a Scorpion
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSGenericSD - Summons the toilet car
togglefullscreen - switchs between fullscreen and windowed mode
walk - tunrs fly off; you will fall from the sky.
stat none - turn off stats
ghost - Turns off clipping and gravity for the player
fly - You character can fly through the air as though you are in "flyby" mode
teleport - You will be teleported to the location on your crosshairs

Console Cheats
When playing a botmatch press ~ and enter one of the following codes:

allammo - 999 Ammo For Every Weapon
loaded - All weapons
god - Infinite Health
fly - Flight mode
behindview 1 - Third person view
ghost - Walk through walls

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